Luna Outdoor
The Luna Outdoor - showing the hottest films under the stars.
The Luna Outdoor is your gateway to a terrific Summer of sensational cinema. Enjoy cool movies, and warm nights in Perth's intimate laid-back outdoor venue in the heart of Leederville. Kick back and take in the latest festival favourites, cult classics, and arthouse adventures with our new range of premium wines, Rocky Ridge Beers or Idle Hands Cocktails which pair well with our various cheese boards.
Picnics are welcome! But please no BYO alcohol.
Luna Outdoor contact details
Doors open 1 hour before the film
Located in the courtyard of Luna Leederville, 155 Oxford Street, Leederville.
Phone number: (08) 9444 4056
General enquiries:
Friday, March 14
Wednesday, March 19
Thursday, March 20
Friday, March 21

Wednesday Night Horror in the Luna Outdoor!
An American Werewolf in LondonI don't think treatment for that is covered by the NHS...
Wednesday, March 26
Thursday, March 27
Friday, March 28
Saturday, March 29

Wednesday Night Horror in the Luna Outdoor!
Wake in FrightWhat's the worst afters you've ever been to?
Wednesday, April 2
Friday, April 4
Saturday, April 5
Sunday, April 6

Wednesday Night Horror in the Luna Outdoor!
Ju-On: The GrudgeThe iconic death rattle will haunt you.
Wednesday, April 9
Thursday, April 10
Friday, April 11
Saturday, April 12

An irreverent celebration with Easter egg chucking, DJ Matty G, pizza, sing-along & hosted by James Palm.
Life of BrianDoors open 6pm
Sunday, April 20